Revival of little-known names of figures of Ukrainian musical culture as one of the methods of raising the national consciousness of artistic youth
Ivan Levytskyi, Lviv violin performance school, musical education of Youth, training manuals for future musicians, Ukrainian violin teachers, Compositions for violinAbstract
The topic of the text is – the revival of little-known names of figures of Ukrainian musical culture as one of the methods of raising national consciousness among artistic youth. The challenges of our time show that without understanding of our own national culture we will not be able to raise full-fledged citizens. Teaching young Ukrainian musicians on the best examples of world music, teachers should at the same time give them knowledge about the achievements of Ukrainian composers, performers, teachers relying on the historical context and train them to explore the work of little-known artists. This article examines the life and creative path of a representative of the professional Ukrainian violin school in Galicia, Ivan Levytskyi, a choirmaster, composer, violinist-performer, and author of several manuals on the history of music, harmony and violin teacher. He worked at the Musical M. Lysenko Institute in Lvyv. His compositions for violin and piano published at different times are presented and analyzed, as well as his unknown work, which was found in the library's archive, and which is being prepared for publication yet. In general, Levytskyi's activities were aimed at the development of Ukrainian musical culture. It is important to revive the names of such personalities because this is how we teach young musicians to respect their native culture. At the same time, young people acquire the skills of research work in the field of art history.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nauk. čas. Nac. pedagogìčnogo unìv. ìm. M.P. Dragomanova, Ser. 14, Teor. metod. mistec. osv. [Scientific journal NPDU. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education]
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