Formation of vocal performance competence of future teachers of musical art, as a significant component of new format specialists’ training




musical competence, future music teachers, vocal performance competence, structure, components


The article highlights the current problem of modern art pedagogy – the formation of vocal performance competence of future teachers of musical art, as a significant component of the training of specialists of the new format. Different scientific views on the specifics and components of vocal performance were considered and, accordingly, a number of significant factors of competence formation in the chosen direction of training specialists of the new format were identified. Today, there is an increased demand of society for obtaining higher education, and therefore, the main task of all national education systems, in particular higher education in Ukraine, is to provide educational services to all who seek it, without exception. Acquiring competences by a person who seeks to develop and self-assert will help to prove oneself more effectively in the professional sphere. Important components of professional competence include: social (a person's ability to build strategies for interaction with people); informational (the ability to analyze, process and transmit information directly and with the help of modern information technologies) and presentational (the ability to successfully present (represent) the results of one's professional activity).  Groups of professional competences have been identified personal, professional-pedagogical and functional professional competences. The interpretation of musical and performing competence is analyzed; the author's models of competence formation of specialists in the art sphere were analyzed. The key factors of vocal performance competence of future teachers of musical art were singled out; the scientific search for the definition of the interpretation of vocal-performance competence made it possible to single out the following components of the structure of the formation of vocal-performance competence of future music teachers: motivational-directed; knowledge and innovation; executive and creative.


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