Methodological principles of shaping emotional and stylistic perception of romanticism composers’ piano music




emotional and stylistic feeling, piano music, romanticism


In this article the authors’ vision of the formation of an emotionally stylistic feeling by pianists of romantic music is presented. The purpose of the work is to reveal the essence of the concept of emotional and style feeling as a psychological category, its content characteristics and peculiarities of methodical approaches and performance reproduction of piano works by pianists of romanticism composers in the methodological paradigm.

Provided own understanding of this concept for presentation by pianists of personified models of their emotional and style feeling romanticism composers’ music.

Achievement of the set goal is determined by the main scientific positions to understand the theoretical and practical significance of the chosen category. Scientific and theoretical disclosure of relevant psychological processes is defined as methodological principles providing a stylistic concept of romanticism and presentation of certain stylistic features of romantic music.

The scientific novelty of the presents work consists in defining the essence of the main concept, what is individual and unique emotional each pianist response to an musical informational and stylistic message. It is encoded in the piano works of Romanticism composers’, which he presents in his own reproduction of them with the disclosure of the features of the emotional feeling of the characteristic means of their musical expressiveness.

The main scientific and theoretical positions are defined in the conclusion, the theoretical meaning of the category emotional and stylistic feeling of piano music by Romantic composes and priority features of its functioning on the proposed main scientific and theoretical foundations.

Theoretical and practical perspectives of consideration of the selected problem may occur in further research by scientists, understanding and scientific-theoretical substation of their emotional and stylistic feeling of musical works of different stylistic directions and providing new ways of their creative reproduction by various musicians.


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