Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the ability of master students of musical art to creative self-realization in practical activities
masters of musical art, pedagogical conditions, formation of the ability to creative self-realization, practical activityAbstract
The article reveals the specifics of the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the ability of master students of musical art to creative self-realization in practical activities. The significance of the introduction of pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of productive activity is considered. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of the ability of master's students of musical art to creative self-realization in the process of vocal and choral training are defined, namely: creation of an educational and creative developing artistic environment; provision of tutor support for vocal and choral activities of master's students of musical art aimed at achieving readiness for self-realization; combination of theoretical and practical experience of students of the faculties of arts for the organization of an optimal information environment.
The purpose of the publication is the theoretical substantiation of pedagogical conditions, methods and means of creative self-realization of masters of musical art in vocal and choral activities. The formation of the ability of music teachers for creative self-realization is a conscious process and a meaningful result of the disclosure of creative potential, actualization of the abilities and possibilities of the individual in the pursuit of self-identification in professional activity.
One of the effective tools is the purposeful formation of the ability of students of art faculties of higher musical and pedagogical educational institutions to creative self-realization. The formation of the ability for creative self-realization becomes even more relevant when it comes to the personality of the future teacher. Creative self-realization and a sign of self-improvement can contribute to the emergence of motivated specialists in art education, as well as ensure the success of the future music teacher's entry into the world of dialogic pedagogical activity.
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