Diagnostic methods measuring of musical and rhythmic skills of students within the ascertaining stage of the experiment at the arts faculties





diagnostic methods, musical and rhythmic skills, ascertaining stage of research and experimental work


The article reveals the specifics of the use of diagnostic methods for measuring the formation of musical and rhythmic skills of students at the arts faculties within the research and experimental work. The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of diagnostic methods of forming musical and rhythmic skills of future teachers of choreography art. The current development of art and pedagogical education is connected with the qualitative renewal of the higher education system in general. Of particular importance is the problem of training a teacher capable of implementing innovative methods. Therefore, the problem of forming musical and rhythmic skills of future teachers of choreography art looks extremely important for the researcher. It is necessary to effectively use musical and rhythmic exercises that help to successfully form a sense of metro-rhythm of the performer with various differentiated operations of motor apparatus. The diagnostic methodology included checking the formation of musical and rhythmic skills of future teachers of choreography art according to the criteria and indicators of the cognitive-motivational, cognitive-initiative and result-activity components. The presented diagnosis of skills of students at the ascertaining stage of research and experimental work took place according to the developed component structure, made it possible to highlight the real formation of this specified phenomenon. Wide use of these diagnostic techniques allows students to more easily overcome certain musical and rhythmic difficulties they face in practical work with schoolchildren. In the process of acquiring the necessary practical skills, future teachers of choreography will feel more confident in their professional work in the future.


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