Pedagogical conditions of arts information combination associative for the students-instrumentalist at the arts faculties




pedagogical conditions, instrumental training, associative combination of artistic information


The article highlights the features improvement of instrumental training of students of art faculties by means of associative combination of artistic information. The need for development is substantiated imaginative thinking of students, expansion of their artistic and associative circle which can become one of the means improvement of instrumental training of future teachers. Involvement of methods of activation figurative and associative thinking and development of associative ideas involves, first of all, formation of future teachers-musicians instrumental and executive competence based on the acquisition of knowledge and not only skill in the field of musical performance, but also musicology, art pedagogy, modern scientific and methodological achievements. Pedagogical conditions are defined improvement of the instrumental process training of students of arts faculties by means of associative combination artistic information. Application of the specified conditions promotes comprehensive creative and intellectual development of future specialists, implements them creatively potential in instrumental and performing activities. In order to organize versatile independent work, it is necessary for students to see the positive results of their work. The studying process takes place consciously if the artistic material is understood. Study material must be carefully selected for independent study. The dosage of educational material in accordance with the capabilities of students has a positive value.


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