Methodical aspects of the development of musical and listener ideas of students within piano play training
musical and listener representations, music art institutions, piano training, individual and psychological features, performance activityAbstract
The article deals with methodological aspects of the development of musical and listener perceptions of students specialized on music art. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the essence and structure of musical and listener perceptions of students in the process of piano studying are determined. It has been established that musical and auditory representations develop in real musical activity aimed at learning and embodying musical images. Such images are created in the process of emotional and aesthetic experience and thinking, as well as with the participation of inner hearing and motor actions. These three components are interconnected and contribute to the development and formation of musical and auditory perceptions. This complex emphasizes the importance of maximum development of students’ independent thinking. The basis of the representations is auditory activity, which provides coordination, provides an assessment of the performance according to artistic and technical parameters. It is noted that the connection between inner hearing and motility becomes important for the formation of musical and auditory perceptions. At the same time, motor actions depend on the psychophysical state and specific functional features of various chains of the auditory-motor apparatus. Taking into account the analyzed theoretical provisions in the process of piano training, the following pedagogical conditions are defined: 1/ during training, include in the repertoire emotionally attractive and aesthetically expressive musical works from using their full or partial illustration; 2/ implement artistic and creative tasks of various directions throughout the entire period of musical education; 3/ taking into account different types of musical activities. The methods of training help students to effectively develop their own musical and listener ideas, so that they get the necessary skills and abilities in the field of performing activities, are considered.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nauk. čas. Nac. pedagogìčnogo unìv. ìm. M.P. Dragomanova, Ser. 14, Teor. metod. mistec. osv. [Scientific journal NPDU. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education]
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