Online distance education of future music teachers: modern challenges


  • Baranovska Iryna G. Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University (Vinnytsia / Ukraine)
  • Baranovskyi Dmytro M. College of Veterinary Medicine of Belotserkiv National Agrarian University (Kompaniivka / Ukraine)
  • Yakymenko Yuliia I. Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University (Vinnytsia / Ukraine)



music education, musical abilities, professional training, media technologies, computer technologies, distance learning


The article is devoted to an important problem today - the organization and implementation of music education in online conditions. The phenomena of "media technology", "computer technology" in a pedagogical retrospective are considered. The main types and varieties of media technologies are highlighted and their features are characterized. Distinguishing features and capabilities of modern computer and media technologies are studied. It is noted that for the organization of a high-quality distance learning process of music, it is not the computer or media technology itself that is important, but the extent to which its use ensures the achievement of educational goals and objectives.

The main vectors of learning with the help of computer and media technologies, which are dynamically developing in the Ukrainian educational space, are outlined: active use of services and educational portals in the practice of teaching children, pupils, students, adults; use of digital (electronic) libraries; formation of technological and media literacy; distance learning in educational institutions of all levels; discussions in classes (groups) by hash-tags; using the computer as a tool for listening, creating and arranging music; application of the technical capabilities of the computer and gadgets (camera, video camera, voice recorder, player, multimedia editor) as a tool for creating educational media content.

The positive experience of using free online platforms, services, applications, auxiliary programs, multimedia editors for creating educational content for teaching music is presented. Types of interactive, musical-creative tasks for the development of musical abilities, musical thinking, and improvement of vocal and technical-performance skills of future music teachers are outlined.

It is noted that the era of information technologies in which we live forces us to be actively involved in the training of creative innovative teachers who are able not only to skillfully use the accumulated pedagogical experience, but also to actively and creatively enrich it with new knowledge and values, by introducing into the process of teaching music innovative computer and media technologies.


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