Methodological basis of the future musical art teachers’ artistic-projective experience formation
artistic-projective experience, methodological basis, scientific approaches, pedagogical principles of methodological direction, future teachers of musical artAbstract
The article presents the process and result of a theoretical study on substantiation of the methodological basis of the future musical art teachers’ artistic-projective experience formation. Attention is focused on the fact that research is carried out on the basis of piano training, at the same time, presented methodology can be the basis for the formation of the specified professional quality in the conditions of other types of training. The logic of selection of scientific approaches and pedagogical principles provided for the correspondence of each approach to a certain component of the future musical art teachers’ artistic-projective experience. Pedagogical principles that had a methodological character were chosen according to the constructs included in one or another component, namely: methodological-motivated, artistic-thinking, activity-communicative and creative-self-organizing. The feasibility of using the following scientific approaches is substantiated: competence-intentional, cognitive-reflective, communicative-organizational, creative-consolidation. Each of the selected approaches combines two interrelated scientific directions, which corresponds to the polyparadigmatic research methodology, which is used for interdisciplinary phenomena. The competence-intentional approach made it possible to establish the following methodological principles: focus on the competence context of methodological-technological training of future musical art teachers; mastering the pedagogical potential of performance (piano) training as a resource of professional competitiveness. The cognitive-reflective approach led to the introduction of the principle of activation of the artistic-cognitive sphere in the paradigm of polyartistry and the principle of gradual accumulation of experience of emotional attitude reflection and understanding of artistic images as content-projective dominants. The communicative-organizational approach contributed to the introduction of the principle of accumulation of communication experience in various roles and dispositions and gradual assimilation of communicative technologies in the organization of artistic projects. In accordance with creative-consolidation approach, the principle of gradualness in the acquisition of creative independence in the organization of artistic projects and the principle of gradualness in mastering project technologies on the basis of consolidation of one’s own creative resource were chosen. The concept of “artistically integrated project text” was introduced to the scientific thesaurus.
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