Hermeneutics of musical works in the context of the interpretive activity of a teacher of art disciplines: an acmeological dimension
teacher of artistic disciplines, hermeneutics of art, hermeneutic approach, acmeological dimension, musical work, interpretation, interpretive activityAbstract
The topic of the paper is the hermeneutical aspects of musical works in the context of the interpretive activity of a teacher of art disciplines. The article examines the problem of the acmeological dimension of the hermeneutics of art in the context of the interpretative activity of the teacher of art disciplines. The formation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of hermeneutics as a universal theory of understanding is considered in the context of the Western European philosophical tradition. It has been established that hermeneutics, as the most important branch of humanitarian knowledge, the sphere of spiritual and rational human activity, enables the extrapolation of its ideas into the sphere of higher art education.
In this regard, the significance of the introduction of hermeneutic teaching and its methodological principles into the field of musical and performing arts, which significantly expands the horizon of the professional activity of the teacher of artistic disciplines, is revealed. It was determined that the hermeneutic approach to the interpretation of a musical work contributes to overcoming the alienation of the spiritual world of the artist's personality from the object of knowledge, which directs him to the valuable aspects of musical performance in order to achieve the acme of professional skill. It is emphasized that under these conditions, the interpretation of a musical work appears as a continuous process of understanding and self-understanding, improvement and self-improvement, realization and self-realization on the path of the ascent of the artist's personality to its peak level. It is substantiated that this gives the hermeneutic concept in the content of higher art education an acmeological-centric methodological direction and directs to further scientific research.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nauk. čas. Nac. pedagogìčnogo unìv. ìm. M.P. Dragomanova, Ser. 14, Teor. metod. mistec. osv. [Scientific journal NPDU. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education]
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