Integrative and axiological construct in the practical work of students within professional training them as music teachers




future teachers of musical art, integration and axiological construct, creative approach, creative and interpretive work with students


At the current stage of the development of art education, a student of a higher education institution must acquire a system of universal knowledge that will help him successfully adapt to the future job. Mastering professional skills of a future music teacher in relation to the European requirements of a higher school involves expanding the range of types of his professional activity. The structure of this pedagogical complex includes interrelated and interdependent related professions that a music teacher should embody. He must have the qualities of a didactic, methodologist, psychologist, musician-pedagogue and musician-performer, educator-mentor and others. The purpose of this publication is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of integrative technologies; and highlighting the features of the integration and axiological construct in the structure of training future music teachers to work with students. The article reveals the peculiarities of the integration and axiological construct of training students of arts faculties of pedagogical universities for practical work with students. The complexity and complex nature of professional tasks that must be solved by a modern specialist are shown, covering knowledge and skills from various branches of science for successfully mastering various types of cognitive and creative work with students. It is emphasized that the integration-axiological aspect of art education provides for the ability to comprehensively consolidate knowledge, synthesize it, transfer ideas and methods from one science to another, which provides future music teachers with a creative approach to artistic and musical education. From the standpoint of the interdisciplinary dimension, the transdisciplinary connections in the process of training students of the faculties of arts in the specialty "Musical Art" were analyzed. The results of training future music teachers for creative and interpretative work with students are highlighted.


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