Problems of professional training of future masters of music in modern conditions
problems of professional training, master of musical art, knowledge integration, polyartistic erudition, targeted strategyAbstract
The article highlights the contradictions that were developed in artistic professional education at the master’s level, determines the possibilities of their solution. It is emphasized that the formation of holistic knowledge in future masters due to the integrative nature professional training and the future professional activity of the teacher. Therefore, the process of formation knowledge, abilities and skills should embrace scientific and theoretical and artistic and performing aspects training of specialists and based on regularities of the development of the art system, the logic of associative thinking and psychological mechanisms of the whole and psychological mechanisms of the whole. Relevance clarified concepts of mastery instrumental learning methods, the essence of which is in the integration of various tasks professional training of a master’s student so that he was always ready to improvement of own knowledge and skills. The importance and necessity is emphasized integration of knowledge, development of polyartistic erudition, professional competences, a targeted strategy of the entire training of master’s students. Attention is drawn to the leading the teacher’s role in content in content and organization of the educational process. Among the leading factors of overcoming the contradictions that have arisen in art education, in our opinion, it is important to consider the following: the implementation of intensive ways of improving the educational process; the expansion of individualized and creative forms of training of master's students; the harmonious and rational coordination of educational and practical activities of future teachers. Overcoming the outlined problems is closely related to improving the qualifications of teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Nauk. čas. Nac. pedagogìčnogo unìv. ìm. M.P. Dragomanova, Ser. 14, Teor. metod. mistec. osv. [Scientific journal NPDU. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education]
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