Transfession training in higher arts education
Art pedagogy, Transferable training, Faculty of arts, Theoretical approaches, Practical technologyAbstract
Important direction in the modernization of art pedagogy is the solution of the problem of transferable training of specialists in higher education institutions. Structural model presented in the article reveals possible directions of branching of art pedagogical education into performing, pedagogical, educational and sound directing aspects, highlights the basic principles and technological support of transfessionalization of art training of students, criteria and indicators of efficiency of transfusion training. Fundamental importance of functional-motivational, axiological, creative and reflexive factors of learning optimization emphasized. Particular attention paid to the practical direction of education on the basis of parallel implementation of informative and problem-solving teaching methods; to the use of direct interpersonal and electronic remote methods of communication between teachers and students; to the use of self-immersion techniques and at the same time to achieve communicative openness of future specialists. Emphasized that transferable training can be effective in terms of ensuring freedom of choice and at the same time involving students in the implementation of unified educational tasks. Promising directions of development and renewal of art pedagogy are such as research of methodological determinants of art education, problems of universalization of students' educational actions in the field of art, possibilities and prospects of application of distance educational technologies in teaching art disciplines, multicultural landmarks of art education development formation of personality in modern conditions.
Keywords: art pedagogy, transferable training, faculty of arts, theoretical approaches, practical technology.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nauk. čas. Nac. pedagogìčnogo unìv. ìm. M.P. Dragomanova, Ser. 14, Teor. metod. mistec. osv. [Scientific journal NPDU. Series 14. Theory and methodology of arts education]
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