Some peculiarities forming of the music notes-reading skills within teaching for junior pupils



music performing; pianist beginner; sheet music reading


The article considers the special aspects of forming of note-reading skills (“Prima Vistа”) in teaching piano playing for junior pupils. Reading music notes for piano is the important constituent of professional mastery of pianists. Many prominent performers specified on a necessity of this ability. For example, we know many brightly circumstances when the competition in note-reading was one of terms of creative rivalry between М. Clementi and W.А. Mozart in Vienna in 1781. In practice, there are two approaches to reading sheet music ("sight reading music"): the first is limited to more or less quality reading of notes; the second one is aiming for artistically performance, that is, "reading music contents". Therefore, aspects of this creatively problem are contributed to acquire special significance of "sight reading music" (the note-reading skills). It is necessary to emphasize the circumstances under which the acquaintance with the notes takes place. There are cases, when music notation is entered almost from the first lessons. A student must learn music by heart, memorizing a certain music score applying to decipher the sheet music. It can be new music score notes bring something extraordinarily obscure. The majority of teachers begin to teach from the so-called pre-period of learning music notes. It is for collecting the repertoire, basing on musical material. The pupil tries to record music he had already mastered them. Thus, the basis for establishing a strong connection between the notes and the music is laid. In further work, it is advisable to study a simple piece in a few minutes without the piano (the pupil looks at the sheet with notes). Then it must be performed immediately. It is useful to listen to music and at the same time looking the sheet music. About visual perception: must be free orientation on the piano keyboard. "Blind method" frees the performer from the visual control over the keys. It allows him to focus feelings on the sound. The second feature relates to the behaviour of eyes in the process of visual perception of the sheet music. The performer must look at the sheet music with eyes forwardly. Any attempt to externally control eyes` behaviour will be ineffective. The pianist must predict the development of musical events; it is the ability to instantly intensify own creative potential. Successful forming of notes-read skills is depending on the constant connection of notes and music within educating of pianists beginners.

Author Biographies

Valerii Titovych, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Titovych Valerii Ivanovych, Associate Professor at the Department of Instrumental and Performance Skills, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University

Natalia Lysina, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Lysina Natalia Ihorivna, PhD (Candidate of Pedagogy), Professor at the Department of Pedagogy of Arts and Piano Performance, Faculty of Arts named after Anatolii Avdiievskyi, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


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