Specificity of vocal training for upcoming teachers of musical art
musical art teacher; pedagogy of singing; vocal training; vocal techniqueAbstract
The content of professional training of students in higher institutions of arts education is aimed at the formation of the professional qualities of upcoming musical art teachers, their aesthetic tastes, and their ability to activity in arts. Specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of secondary education: Music" aims to form a fully trained specialist of the national school, capable of organizing and conducting school, extra-curricular and extracurricular music-educational work in higher school. The purpose of the article is to highlight the pedagogical orientation of vocal education within upcoming teachers of musical art. Vocal training is an important part of the process of professional of the students, aimed at forming the professional qualities of the teacher of musical art. The pedagogical orientation of the vocal education of the music teacher requires such a methodology, the content of which will consist in the purposeful influence on the motivational settings of the vocation of students; development of vocal-technical and artistic-performing skills and abilities; formation of evaluation and analytical skills; assimilation of the scientific and theoretical knowledge base on vocal pedagogy issues; observance of the norms and rules of protection of the singing voice. The methods of vocal training of upcoming of musical art teachers should provide for the formation of skills of conscious coordination of vocal activity of students, which will consist of a clear understanding of the basics of the vocal training. Analyzing the process of vocal training in academic singing in higher educational institutions, we are convinced that in general the teachers are engaged in raising the correct sound formation of the student's voice. The development of vocal skills for public performing is often as a priority, but sometimes such teacher-vocalist does not take into account the important of pedagogical tasks educating the creative personality. After all, upcoming specialist should have a high intellectual level; he is obliged to improvise, as well as offer own interpretation of vocal works. An important pedagogical problem in the vocal training of upcoming teacher-musician is the protection of the students' voices during their studies at a higher educational establishment. A student-musician must get some medical knowledge about the rules of work and leisure (to know basics of disease prevention methods in vocal apparatus).
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