The methodical principles of musical and stylistic notions shaping for teenagers within collective music playing


  • Olha Riabova Kyiv Academy of Arts (04210, Kyiv, Ukraine)


pedagogical methods; teenage musician; pupils chamber orchestra


Modern music pedagogy pays much attention to the style of the corresponding instrumental performance of musical works. At the same time, the pedagogical problem of introducing a style approach in the process of collective instrumental music in the education of adolescents is poorly investigated. This indicates the need to develop an effective method for the formation of musical-stylistic notions of adolescents based on collective music. The purpose of the article is to consider the step-by-step method of forming musical-stylistic notions of adolescents as active members of the string chamber orchestra. Musical-style notion is a synthesized figurative and acoustic complex, which is formed as a result of operations of musical thinking of the person on the basis of the primary images of the perception of a wide spectrum. Taking into account the peculiarities of musical-stylistic notions as complex mental entities, which are formed in the process of active work of the musician-performer, we define their structure as the unity of the needs-cognitive, operational-technological and regulatory-assessment components. Based on the structural structure of the phenomenon under investigation, we have developed a phased method for its formation in adolescent students (members of the chamber orchestra). Each stage involves achieving a certain goal and solving specific problems using our methods. The paper deals special methodical principles of musical and stylistic notions shaping for teenagers within chamber orchestra participants. Three stages are determined. The first stage, adaptation and information, has a purpose of forming stimulation of all components of music for youth pupils. The creation motivating as a pedagogical condition educational process is to realize the importance of a style relevant performance of music pieces provides successful progress at this stage. The integrating application as a pedagogical condition includes various forms of educational activity guarantying progress at this stage. The productive and synthesizing the third stage has a purpose of mastering students’ synthetic set of knowledge and skills needed for a style relevant performance of chamber orchestra music. The creative cooperation of collective participants namely teachers and teenager pupils, in process of mastering of style relevant music performance provides successful at this stage. The integrated application of pedagogical workshop and project methods ensures effective forming of musical style notions.

Author Biography

Olha Riabova, Kyiv Academy of Arts (04210, Kyiv, Ukraine)

Riabova Olha Viktorivna, Senior Lecturer, Kyiv Academy of Arts


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