The formation of the personal motivation of upcoming music teachers for working with educational academic choir
art pedagogy; educational methods; school choirAbstract
The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of personal motivation of upcoming music teachers for working with academic choir. From the perspective of psychology author analyzes concepts such as "motive", "motivation", "interest", "need". It is determined that the process of forming of the personal motivation of the future teacher of music for working with the educational academic choir is based on a combination of traditional and innovative methods of music art education. The formation of the motivation of an upcoming music teacher, which includes participation in the on-stage performance group and active concert activity, stimulates interest in the chosen profession, provides development of performing abilities and interest in musical-performing activities. Comprehensive instrument is used to attract different groups of creativeness training techniques, which is: verbal methods (conversation, explanation, commentary, verbalization of choral works); independent study of scientific literature, structuring the information received, etc; methods of motivating artistic and pedagogical training to stimulate interest, as well as pedagogical stimulation of duty and responsibility. The process of formation of personal motivation takes place directly during the professional training of future music teachers, both in individual and group sessions from the training courses "Choral conducting" (individual lessons), "Training with the choir" (group lessons); "Choir class" (group classes), "Methodology of working with the Choir ", "Analysis of choral works" (lectures, seminars, independent work of students). In order to form expression of interest in mastering skills in conducting choral training process should be used a number of methods to stimulate interest in belonging to a group of motivation arts training methods combined with image-demonstrative, theoretical, interactive methods and so on. It is advisable to use: round tables, case-method, interviews, discussions, project method, brainstorming, small group training, debates, portfolio method, etc. The formation of the personal motivation of the future teacher of music to the pedagogical interaction with the educational academic choir is based on a combination of traditional methods of arts education and innovative methods (heuristic, interactive, self-teaching methods, binary methods, etc.) and represents a holistic process. The purpose of these is the formation of a mental state of preparedness of the student for the mastering of a complex of musical and theoretical, musical and educational, professional and organizational knowledge and arts-performing skills necessary for the successful management of the choir team.
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