Complex of arts as a means of aesthetic perceptions empowerment forming of junior pupils
art activity; aesthetic assessment; creative potential; school creativity; junior ageAbstract
The purpose of the paper is theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of pedagogical conditions for the aesthetic perception forming of junior schoolchildren by means of a complex of arts in various forms of extracurricular educational work. The forming of students` development is focused in their aesthetic perception of reality, in attitude to the environment, to nature, to art, and to the application of the principle of correlation between different forms of arts. The analysis of the results of experimental data allows using the complex of arts at the lessons of the arts cycle in institutions of secondary education. As well as the method proposed by us, it assumes the development of aesthetic feelings, tastes, ideals, arts skills, should be an indispensable condition. Is covered the actual problems of aesthetic education of the personality of youth pupil. New approaches to the education and upbringing of children and their introduction into the educational process of the modern school, using creative potential of students in elementary school are viewed. Accordingly, we have defined the following goals: the development of aesthetic perception of reality and works of art in junior school age; the formation of aesthetic assessment of junior pupils and interest in arts activity; expansion of arts and aesthetic experience; analysis of aesthetic values, tastes, interests of children of junior school age. The selection, development and testing of the complex of methods and methods of activation, the study of the level of development of aesthetic perception in children of junior school age, the pedagogical potential of the use of a complex of arts were done. The forming of a child’s creative, high-spiritual personality, a culture of aesthetic perception of junior schoolchildren and the acquisition of a holistic system knowledge about art were studied. In the pilot study, 345 junior pupils from Vinnytsia took part in the research. The obtained results revealed certain changes and positive dynamics of the growth of aesthetic perception. The evaluation has done in children of elementary school age. The technique proposed by us aims at creating the foundation for further development of interest in aesthetic values, works of fine art, musical treasures of Ukrainian and world classical composers, contemporary works for children, children’s musical folklore, folk-song creativity, artistic gaming activities. We have recorded the growth of the level of aesthetic perception associated with the development of the emotional and sensory sphere and the creative potential of junior schoolchildren due to the result of applying the proposed method of activating aesthetic perception of children of junior school age by complex of arts.
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