Motivational and creative constituent in structure of music teachers readiness to arts-interpretable activity


  • Lin Yang National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)


arts learning; creativity; music teacher; singing abilities of pupils; vocal training


The article reveals the essence and role of the motivational-creative component in the structure of the readiness of music teachers in the beginning of own activity. Motivation is considered as a phenomenon that occupies a significant place in the human life strategy. It can be considered in different aspects. To begin with a system of factors that determines the success of vocational performance of students as a characteristic of the process, supporting their vocal-performing and educational activity at a certain high level. Several independent theories of motivation are considered, each of those has its advantages and disadvantages. The components of the motivational sphere of a human person (needs, motives, goals) and its parameters are determined. Features of motivation of beginners and of master students are characterized. In the context of this study the creativity is seen as the quality of high-level specialists who work effectively in the musical-pedagogy and performing field. The main provisions defining the motivational basis of creativity are presented: freedom is needed for creativity (V. Molyaoka); creativity presupposes the freedom of imagination, which is not controlled by consciousness (Y.Trofimov); creativity is impossible without delight, devotion, immersion in the beloved affair, (G.Alder); creativity requires lack of regulation of external control (S. Maksimenko); the basis of creativity is the self-motivation with own criteria of evaluation (K. Rojders); creativity requires the creation of certain conditions for self-actualization (A. Maslow). The main motivation to creativity is a personal desire to realize themselves, to actualize their capabilities. The leading motive of creative activity of vocalists is recognition of the development of a new interpretative plan implementing in any concert performance. The algorithm for realizing the motivation to creative act consists the way from the fact that the achievement of the final result of a creative act can turn out the moment of birth of new interesting interpretation of the vocal work. So, it continues the creative activity of students aimed at the embodiment of new plan of public interpretation. Students from China studying vocal in music and pedagogical teacher training establishments in Ukraine should be gradually get mastery of musical knowledge with deep immersion in arts learning. The musical and theoretical material for practice work must be submitted in various ways, taking into individual vocal abilities of students. Further research requires studying the regularities of comparing the vocal training educational process in Ukraine and in China.

Author Biography

Lin Yang, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

Lin Yang, Post-graduate Student at the Faculty of Arts, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


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How to Cite

Lin, Y. (2019) “Motivational and creative constituent in structure of music teachers readiness to arts-interpretable activity”, Scientific Journal of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Series 14, Theory and Methodology of Arts Education. [Kyiv, Ukraine], 26, pp. 138–144. Available at: (Accessed: 5 February 2025).