Orderly-methodical model of creative individuality forming of upcoming teacher-musician in piano training process
creativity; individual training; piano teaching; teacher-musicianAbstract
The creative individuality of teacher-musician is a complex structure that is constantly evolving, improving or adjusting. It consists of intellectual, motivational, emotional, volitional, practical-object and existential spheres, as well as the sphere of self-regulation. The generalization of the theoretical analysis of the development of creative individuality of music and pedagogical students in the piano teaching process led to the conclusion that it is characterized by next positions. A persistent and positive attitude to music, focus on innovation, which is dominated by the need for newness; search for more perfect ways of music teaching; desire for self-realization and achievement of high results in learning; understanding of their significance and the ability to make their contribution to musical pedagogy; ability to feel inspired by works of art and the desire to acquaint them with their students, mental flexibility, imagery and metaphorical thinking; ability to transcode performance interpretation verbal and vice versa. Thus, the creative individuality is a complex education, which is formed throughout the course of study in different vectors. Its effectiveness depends on appropriate pedagogical conditions. Is diagnosed through the clusters of competences as: professional-motivational, cognitive-potential, creative-emotional, reflexive-activity. These competencies are considered as the final result of the educational process. A professional motivational cluster characterized by awareness of the importance of the creative component of professional activity. The cognitive-potential cluster characterizes the degree of development of the musical-aesthetic thesaurus. The creativity-emotional cluster involves realizing itself as a creative individuality, an understanding of its creative potential in various fields of artistic and pedagogical activity. It defines the degree of detection of such professional-creative qualities as independence, initiative, mobility, risk-taking, improvisation, fantasy, emotionally expressive representations, as well as manifestation of feelings, discoveries, inventions, characterizing sensitivity to situations requiring original solutions. Using this methodical ordered model at all stages of teaching contributes to the gradual growth of creative individuality and independence in performing interpretation of musical images.
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