Scientific approaches of the "worldviewly culture" formation of upcoming teachers-musicians
arts education; cultural competency; methodological approaches; music teacherAbstract
The article reveals the phenomenon of "worldview" from the standpoint of modern philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, aesthetic and culturology. Features of "cultural worldview" of upcoming music art teachers forming are revealed. Its value is characterized as a system of ideals, intellectual, axiological and emotional attitude to musical pedagogy activity in the conditions of professional training of music teachers. Modern scientific approaches to the definition of this phenomenon, which is considered to be an unusually complex and multidimensional one in the space of human thinking, are viewed. The paper is drawn to approaches such as poly-arts, discursive-interpretative and humane-aesthetic methods. They influence the dynamics of development and create pedagogical conditions for order students’ value orientations in educational training process in higher music pedagogy school. The poly-arts approach is based on the ideas of the integrated using of different types of arts in educational process. This education based on its main provisions allows having an aesthetic effect on upcoming arts teachers. It helps to form an internal need to feel beauty of around world. The reliance on the discursive-interpretative approach is due to combining multidirectional areas that are constantly intertwined in arts. The humane-aesthetic approach increases of the human factor in recognition of the importance of the aesthetic principle in the life of each person. The concept of "aesthetic potential" is important for the humanistic-aesthetic training of students-musicians. "Aesthetic Potential" is understood as a collection of personal qualities and ways of aesthetic activity of students. Instead, the concept of "aesthetic attitude to the world" and "aesthetic attitude to works of art" in this study is defined as the ability to feel the world in all its interconnections and the ability to engage in a spiritual dialogue with the authors of works of art. The proposed model of a humanistic aesthetic approach should be based on the national heritage of art.
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