Scientific and systematic analysis of methodological support achievements in music teachers training
musical-pedagogy education; scientific and pedagogical research; professional music teachers` trainingAbstract
The relevance of the study. Improve of professional music teachers` training is one of the most urgent tasks of modern musical education. The question of methodological support is still insufficiently developed today. Particularly acute is the problem in updating the teaching and methodological base to ensure the effective training process of music teachers` professional training. The purpose of the article is seen in the analysis of the achievements of the problems of music-teaching education; in their influence on the methodical provision of professional training of music teachers`. Discussion. Understanding the current problems of music teachers` training education is impossible without resorting to the history of arts pedagogy. That defines value orientations, arming with historical consciousness. It plays a decisive role in educational practice in Ukraine. For the construction of effective mechanisms in the musical-pedagogical branch, one should not only analyze the experience of foreign and domestic pedagogical systems, but deliberately explore, synthesize and rely on the scientific achievements of previous generations of teachers. Findings/Originality. The paper analyzes the achievements of Ukrainian scientists and educators in the field of methodical provision of music teachers` training. Their influence on the development of the musical-pedagogy theory and methodology are revealed. The directions of scientific and methodological studies of forming of creative personality of musical teachers are covered. New conceptual approaches to professional musical and pedagogy training of future specialists are shown. The article makes review of Ukrainian scientists` publications dedicated for development of country-wide musical and pedagogic education; is analyzed some works for problems of history of the development of musical-pedagogy departments and music educational institutions. It makes to analyze of academic thesis researches are devoting for music teachers` training covering certain historical periods of the development of the musical and pedagogy industry in different regions of Ukraine. The analytical systematizing approach of research achievements and scientific legacy of Ukrainian authors` of great importance for development of theory, methodology of country-wide pedagogical education but also are influenced for the practice training of music teachers.
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