The pedagogical conditions for forming of music teachers' projective skills



arts and music teaching specialist; pedagogical conditions; proficiency skills


The article describes the conditions for forming of projective skills in professional process of music teacher training. The pedagogical conditions were determined on the basis of theoretical foundations of understanding the essence and structure of the phenomenon "projective skills" of arts teacher. These are didactically appropriate methods of students’ actions, which involve the self-identifying of mastering musical and pedagogy educational material, transforming the problem into a goal, deploying a rational procedure for reaching and understanding the way of its implementation. Pedagogical conditions are understood as a set of external objective circumstances that determine the success of the process of training of music teachers. We included: the content of professional disciplines; training and production practices; methods and forms of educational activities’ organization; interpersonal relationships. The first educational condition "Contents of proficiency disciplines, educational practice and internship aimed at implementing the projective abilities" should help to clear the definition of goals and objectives learning in proficiency arts disciplines cycle. The second condition is "Selecting of the form and methods of learning activities aimed at the development of projective skills". The best forms and methods of teaching were selected. These forms include: lectures (introduction, information, observation, problem managed with participation of students; lecture-visualization; video lecture; lecture-dialogue; lecture-conference); round tables; trainings; business role playing games; the intellectual game "Attack"; group and individual projects; the practical training; individual work; seminars (theoretical, practical, problem); consultations (individual, in groups); master classes; brainstorming. The effective methods for forming of projective skills also includes blitz interviews; analysis of specific situations; feedback method; modelling and solving pedagogical situations (educational and practical); discussion; presentation; self-diagnosis; portfolio-treasury; self-esteem; self-examination. The third educational condition "Using of interdisciplinary connections to forming of projective skills in teaching" involves logical constructions in contents of related tasks in various topics of special academic disciplines. So, these pedagogy conditions will provide to forming projective skills in trainings for music teachers (problems defining, goals formulation, teaching and learning activities’ planning, selection of action methods and rationale for their implementation, monitoring and evaluation of teaching, learning and pedagogical activities). It can help to improve the level of proficiency training with academic professional disciplines cycle.

Author Biography

Maksym Lukianchykov, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University (Berdiansk, Ukraine)

Lukianchykov Maksym Ihorovych, PhD (Candidate of Pedagogy), instructor at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Arts Disciplines Teaching, Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Arts, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University


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How to Cite

Lukianchykov, M. (2019) “The pedagogical conditions for forming of music teachers’ projective skills”, Scientific Journal of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Series 14, Theory and Methodology of Arts Education. [Kyiv, Ukraine], 26, pp. 97–103. Available at: (Accessed: 5 February 2025).