Criteria of maturity methodical culture of masters-vocalists
criteria system; music teacher; professional training; student undergraduate; vocal trainingAbstract
Relevance of the study. The contradiction between the socio-pedagogical needs of young people arts education and its real status calls for the search new effective ways solving the issues of students-masters’ training in higher school.
Literature Review. The issue of teachers` education were studied by the follow scholars: V. Orlov, M. Smetanskyy, T. Fedirchyk, etc. The problem of professional and pedagogy culture has been studied by: Yu. Boychuk, I. Knyazheva, G. Sotska, T. Tarasenko and others. The principles of methodological training of upcoming music teachers were covered by N. Vereshchahina, T. Bodrova, R. Hurhula. Purpose of the study is to define and scientifically substantiate indicators and levels of methodological culture of masters-vocalists in higher training. Methodology. The following methods of theoretical research have been used: the analysis of scientific literature, synthesis, systematization, generalization. Results. Is distinguished the motivational, intellectual, operational as well as high-performance and corrective criteria, which will enable to determine the level of methodological culture of Master’s degree students in the process of singing training. The motivational criterion is characterized by professionally significant needs for further advancement. The intellectual criterion characterizes the acquisition level of psychological and pedagogy knowledge. The operational criterion characterizes the ability to use the thesaurus of knowledge in the process of methodological problems-solving. The high-performance and corrective criterion characterizes the ability to self-analysis and self-assessment of own vocal and pedagogical activity. It is expedient to single out three levels of methodological culture maturity: reproductive, constructive and creative. The analysis tools of determination are: observation, survey, implementation of practical, creative and independent tasks. Conclusions. Thus, the determined criteria for diagnosis of formed methodical culture of masters-vocalists will allow estimating its level objectively. It helps to determine which methodological knowledge, skills and abilities are necessitate to development for further conceptualisation.
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