The self-study work skills forming of upcoming teachers musical art within vocational singing lessons
homeworks; methodical advice; vocal lessons; vocal musicAbstract
The relevance of the study comprises the importance of singers` self-study work skills within higher musical-pedagogy education for upcoming own performing activity. Literature review of the historical, retrospective and methodological analysis of the intellectual development, creative personality and musical activities researches were made. Purpose and Objectives of the study is providing some methodological suggestions of self-study work skills forming for upcoming teachers of musical art within singing classes. Some effective method ways for singing activity and vocal training in school are explaned. The significance for development of vocal pedagogy in Ukraine is found out. The methodology of the research bases on integrated application of general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization), as well as using system approaches. The psychological and physiological features of students of juvenile age are highlighted as results. The need of involving of the information and communication technologies is pointed out. Among effective methods of independent self-study work skills is listening to vocal compositions in different interpretations. The student must learn to consciously control his own voice, as well as to listen and hear the advantages and disadvantages of other performings. The importance of daily singing for the development of a student`s voice is emphasized. Home exercises will help developing memory, an purity intonation and pitchings, timbre of voice, contents of music. Discussion may arise basing on general pedagogy and psychology. Scientific originality of the study is to reveal the significance of the self-study work skills of upcoming singers and of vocal-teachers within vocational lessons.
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