Features of forming of musical thinking of upcoming music teachers in piano training class
interpretation of music; music teacher; musical creativity; performing activity; piano learning; thinking processAbstract
The relevance of this study is due to the intensive development of modern humanistic society. Pedagogical science is getting new contents. Therefore, cardinal direction in the development of creative qualities of the individual among which musical thinking is of particular importance. In this work musical thinking is defined as a special process in which emotional and rational elements are synthesized on the basis of sound phenomena, a new reality is created in the form of composers’ works, their interpretation, musical and theoretical understanding, and perception. Musical thinking has such a function: emotional, constructive- logical, controlling, developing. The author found the forming of musical thinking occurs in the course of specially organized work on interpretation of musical compositions and their performance. The article also defines the specificity of the performance activity of a musical teacher, which is in its subordination to the tasks of aesthetic education of the individual. Teaching effectively influence the development of music thinking, since this process has a universal character wide coverage of musical material, transformation elements and special kind of sound touch, relative technical availability. Some original methods of development musical thinking: emotional influx, the transformation of images-memories, associative sketches are defined. As a result of study, author identified the following features of the forming musical thinking of upcoming music teachers in piano training class: the emotional and creative nature of musical performance, the universal character of piano teaching, the synthesis of emotional and constructive- logical functions, the pedagogical orientation of the teachers performing activities, the obviousness of two type of interpretative concept- music and verbal, adaptation to extreme conditions of performance, using new educational technology.
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