Essence, content and structural characteristics of arts competency of educators- facilitators organizing recreational leisure and cultural activities
professional competence; facilitators of recreation; culture and leisure activitiesAbstract
Relevance of the study. At the time of the renewal of pedagogical paradigm and the revival of cultural enlightenment in Ukraine, special importance is given to the qualitative professional training of the specialists in cultural and leisure activities, as they face complex professional tasks, the solution of which is provided by a complex of developed knowledge, skills and abilities, which prepare the facilitators for creating favourable conditions for the cognitive and creative development of children and adults by means of arts activities in their free time. The purpose of the study was to theoretically substantiate the essence of the arts competence of the facilitator of cultural, leisure and recreational activities and to define its content elements. Findings. In the study the content essence of the arts competence of the specialists in cultural, educational and leisure activities has been studied as one of the spectra of their professional competence, which is defined as an integrated characteristic of the teacher’s personal quality, formed through knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes, and manifested as a system of integrative and functional spectra: cultural and educational, psychological and pedagogical, methodological, communicative, arts, organizational, research, and project. Conclusions. The arts competence as one of the key competences in the system of the integrative and functional spectra of the professional competence of facilitators of cultural, leisure and recreational activities is defined as a complex structured definition that acts as a systematic, integrated quality, manifested in the facilitators’ ability to understand art as a unique arts value and assimilate its main regularities, genre and stylistic features; their readiness to express artistic images by performing arts and to use various arts in the arts and educational work in the cultural and leisure environment. The arts competence includes the following content elements: cognitive and gnostic, axiological and analytical, creative and praxeological. The development of these elements ensures a successful implementation of professional tasks in the field of cultural, educational, leisure and recreational space. Significance. The results of the study, determined by the scientific inquiry, can be included in the system of professional training of facilitators of cultural, leisure and recreational activities in the educational institutions of different levels and introduced in the study of arts disciplines. It will help future specialists to understand the cultural and leisure activities in the processes of arts integration, master modern technologies of arts and aesthetic work with different categories of the population in leisure conditions and facilitate the development of their musical and aesthetics taste, music, acting and directing skills.
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