The concept "art-creatively experience of choreographers" in retrospective view of psychological and pedagogical researches



choreographic art; creative personality; culture; dance creativity; education; student


The relevance of the study of choreographic education is ensuring the integrity creative experience of personality, pedagogical skills and value attitude to dancing art within vocational learning. The purpose of the study consists in generalization of theoretical and practical approaches in order to reveal the essence of art-creatively experience, in review and analysing of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical research and in determining the specificity of experience of choreographers. The problem of art-creativity in Ukraine finds reflexion in a lot of documents of national importance, in particular, in the Constitution of Ukraine, the State National Program "Education" (Ukraine XXI Century), in the "Concept of Aesthetic Education of Student Youth in the Conditions of Revival of Ukrainian National Culture", "Concepts of national education", "Concept of national artistic education of children, pupils and students in conditions of revival Ukrainian national culture", etc. So, we know really a lot of programs, but there is a question whether they are fully executed. An important point is the recognition of choreographic art as a significant element, the support of which contributes to the harmonious, versatile development of the personality of a modern human in the present days. The choreography is as an important means of forming the artistic and creative experience of personality, and creativity inspires a person for any kind of activity. The emergence of the idea of creativity within choreography inspires creative personality. The process of art-creative skills training of youth is important in the education system. Involving the younger generation in dancing art is important for their spiritual enrichment, physical health, creative development and the development of mobile activity. Students can be provided with professional knowledge, as a rule, by teachers with a great work experience. Choreographic classes in general promote involvement of national-cultural values, orienting the person to a healthy lifestyle. Different types of education are formed. Vocational training experience is the acquired qualities of an individual do provide the opportunity to display itself in any activity as developed personality. So, the art-creatively experience forming of choreographers is one of the leading problems of pedagogy of arts and choreography training both. This study has a positive impact on aesthetic education of youth within learning of choreographic disciplines in school. The concept "art-creatively experience of choreographers" can bring the popularization of choreographic art for the creation of a methodological basis for scientific researches in future.

Author Biography

Vira Maksymenko, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University (Nizhyn, Ukraine)

Maksymenko Vira Ivanivna, Post-graduate Student at the Department of Music pedagogy and Choreography, Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University



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