The categories "creativity" and "musical abilities": psychological and pedagogical approaches



intellectual and creative abilities; music arts teacher; pedagogue-musician


The psychological and pedagogical views on the essence of the categories “creativity” and “musical abilities” of Ukrainian and foreign researchers are analyzed. The paper has revealed the nature, features, significance of these categories in the development of intellectual and creative abilities of upcoming pedagogue-musicians in the professional training process. The problems of creativity and musical abilities were viewing by many scholars, philosophers, psychologists, educators, art historians, and cultural figures. However, the categories "creativity" and "musical abilities" both remains ambiguous and they are insufficiently studied. So, there is still remaining a great need for further comprehensive studies in pedagogical aspects within development of creative abilities of upcoming arts teachers. The main tasks of the article are to define and describe such notions as "creativity and "musical abilities", to list and analyze different interpretation of psychological and pedagogical approaches in professional development of upcoming pedagogue-musician. The author of the article has explored the recent findings of the researchers on a subject of revealed musical abilities, highlighted the perceptual and reproductive components in the structure of musical abilities, determined emotionality as the main feature of musicality, and substantiated the connection of emotional and cognitive aspects of musicality. Is proved that current existing theories and concepts of creativity do not fully reveal the problems of creativity. Creativity is viewed and developed by most of world-wide researchers from the standpoint of their own methodology, focusing on one or several aspects. Is underlined the development of musical abilities in the training process of music arts teachers is an important aspect of aesthetic personality development of human beings but also is believed that musical abilities, such as musical hearing, rhythm and musical memory can be properly developed during a process of professional training of upcoming pedagogue-musician.

Author Biography

Olha Loboda, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University (Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine)

Loboda Olha Yevheniivna, Post-graduate Student at the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University


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How to Cite

Loboda, O. (2019) “The categories "creativity" and ‘musical abilities’: psychological and pedagogical approaches”, Scientific Journal of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Series 14, Theory and Methodology of Arts Education. [Kyiv, Ukraine], 26, pp. 49–54. Available at: (Accessed: 5 February 2025).