Musical education as a determinant of creative development of personality



arts education; creative thinking; harmony of personality; musical abilities; musical creativity; personal development in society


Relevance of the study. The growth of the role of modern information technologies and new forms of interpersonal communication puts people in a situation where it is necessary to react promptly and effectively to constant changes in conditions of personal existence. In a more favorable situation it turns out to be one who is ready not only to adapt to the realities of the newest life, but instead able to change stereotyped forms of knowledge and action, who creatively thinks meeting its own intellectual ambition and desire. Purpose of the study is to substantiate the hypothesis that musical training allows general of creative development of personality and of creative abilities of a person to any professional activity. Literature Review. The evolution of the education system has led to the change in the approach to teaching musical disciplines in our time, giving impetus to numerical studies on pedagogy, psychology, physiology, medicine, and physics. Are being researched the positive influence of music art on processes of thinking, on the upbringing of character and will power, on the desire of carefully work, on the improvement of communicative qualities and the ability to adapt to complex emotional situations. The results of study suggest that musical education is a determinant of creative personality development. Musical education is able to create universal conditions, the nature of which originates from the nature of the music itself that as a phenomenon of social life and the result of human activity possesses unique properties, namely: 1. As an art expressing the spirit of time, serves as a "social cipher" and is a product of free creative action to man and society; music is a figurative reflection code of the world. 2. Bearing on the imprint of an era in which it is born and, to a certain extent, being its reflection, reflecting not only the social development of society, but also experiencing the impact of scientific and technological progress, music is the bearer of the socio-historical experience of previous generations. 3. Learning music is precisely the "substantive activity", which includes those internal contradictions of human; music is the source of the formation of specific human abilities. 4. Music art is able to influence general creativity of human through logical and subconscious processes of brain activity and to act as a symbolic associative material for the formation of new mental models of perception of the world. Giving examples of the statement of the problem of great violations of equilibrium and most difficult reduction of them to a harmonious solution, makes music a means of disclosing creative abilities of an individual. Significance. The conclusions obtained have theoretical and practical significance, emphasizing the importance of the existence of separate subject "music" in arts cycle disciplines of training a pupil in secondary school and pointing out the benefits of musical lessons in extracurricular education system both.

Author Biography

Pavlo Kosenko, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University (Berdiansk, Ukraine)

Kosenko Pavlo Borysovych, PhD (Candidate of Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and Methodology of Arts Disciplines Teaching, Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education and Arts, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University


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