Creative potential of a personality: the essence, contents, components and preconditions for successful implementation in arts education



arts education; creative abilities; creative person


The priority directions of contemporary arts education are education of a creative person, creation of conditions for its creative self-improvement, development of creative abilities, formation and disclosure of creative potential. Therefore, the development of paradigmatic principles, in particular, the study of the content essence, structure and prerequisites for the successful realization of creative potential, are topical issues at the present stage of development of the educational arts industry. The analysis of recent studies and publications shows the constant interest of scientists in the problem of creating and disclosing creative potential. For the most part this is a psychological and pedagogical work, in which the results of the study of various aspects of the functioning of creative potential, both theoretical and practical, are presented. Among the most sensible in the coverage of the problem under study we can distinguish works by Yu. Gatanov, D. Bogoyavlenskaya, Dzh.Gilford, O.Matyushkin, A.Molyako, N.Rogers, S.Sisoyeva, and others. The purpose of this article is to study the essence, content, components of creativity, as well as the preconditions for its successful implementation, in particular, in arts education. Creative potential is considered as an integrative quality of personality, which characterizes its possibilities in self-perfection and self-realization. The structure of creative potential include: the orientation of man to creativity, openness to new experience, predispositions, opportunities, inclinations, creative abilities, etc. Giftedness is understood by scientists as the ability of an individual to organize creative activity, while producing appropriate skills and means. In the gifted person there is a domination of cognitive motivation, search activity, ability to predict and predict. Creative abilities in the scientific literature appear as a set of individual and personal qualities of a person, which determine its ability to create. Among creative abilities are distinguished: creativity, ingenuity, non-standard associative thinking, intuition, imagination, productive imagination, and others. Consequently, we can state that the concept of creativity, talent, and creative abilities is very close, interconnected, but also very complex. Therefore, researchers continue to discuss their determination and the importance of certain structural components for effective development and successful self-realization of the individual. However, the majority agrees that in the full development of creative individuality the activity of the subject is key, which allows him to mobilize all his essential powers. Successful realization of creative potential of a student in arts education is connected with the use of purposeful and appropriate pedagogical influences on its formation, with the activation and integration of creative activity, providing it with emotional content, stimulation of imagination, imaginative and perceptual thinking, and ensuring creative interaction between participants in the educational process.

Author Biography

Viktoriia Kholodenko, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

Kholodenko Viktoriia Oleksandrivna, PhD (Candidate of Pedagogy), Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy of Arts and Piano Performance, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


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How to Cite

Kholodenko, V. (2019) “Creative potential of a personality: the essence, contents, components and preconditions for successful implementation in arts education”, Scientific Journal of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Series 14, Theory and Methodology of Arts Education. [Kyiv, Ukraine], 26, pp. 22–28. Available at: (Accessed: 5 February 2025).