Paradoxes and perspectives of training specialists in the system of professional art education



developmental contradictions; professional arts education; teacher’s arts and methodical culture


The article highlights the results of the analysis of reflexive understanding of the achievements of art education in higher education, identifies the contradictions in its development, and suggests ways to overcome them. It is emphasized that a one-sided setting to identify new development trends without a critical understanding of the achievements is not able to ensure the reliability of conclusions. Among the major miscalculations of modern professional art education are identified such as: an increase in information that is difficult to fit into the curricula; aggravation of the contradiction between fundamental and applied knowledge in teaching; the imperfection of the development of criteria for assessing the preparedness of graduates of art departments. The paradox between the number of dissertations defended and the effectiveness of scientific findings in the field of art education appears obvious. The main role of the teacher in the organization of the educational process is emphasized. The concept of arts and methodological culture as an integrated personal quality is introduced into the scientific revolution, which plays a key role in ensuring a high level of teaching arts disciplines in higher educational institutions. The structure of the teacher’s arts and methodical culture is determined. Its main components are cognitive-research, appraisal-projective, activity-creative and communicative-educational. The criteria for the formation of arts and methodical culture are defined: professional self-consciousness, with which you can determine the degree of awareness of the developmental potential of art and personal responsibility for its implementation by teachers; practical readiness, which expresses a measure of the teacher’s readiness for effective teaching in higher education; modern orientation, which indicates the extent of the ability to optimally select the actual content of the academic discipline and the nature of its teaching. The most important way to realize the professional capabilities of a teacher is his self-development. The basic principles of self-development included freedoms of self-development, unity of common and arts-methodical culture, continuity of self-development, constructive self-organization of activity, self-control.

Author Biography

Halyna Padalka, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, UKRAINE)

Padalka Halyna Mykytivna, Dr. of Pedagogical Sci., full Professor; Professor at the Department of Pedagogy of Arts and Piano Performance, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University


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