



gender, gender identity, gender role, youthfulness, femininity, masculinity, androgyny


The article is devoted to the study of gender identity of modern students of psychology. The need to study the peculiarities of the gender identity of psychology students is related to the existing contradictions in society among a set of gender norms, stereotypes and rules of conduct. After all, the future psychologist, in particular the psychologist-practitioner in his professional activity should be free from restrictions in determining the problems of sex and gender.
The purpose of the study was to theoretically substantiate and empirically study the features of gender identity in psychology students. The objectives of the study included the selection and implementation of methods for determining the feminine, masculine, androgynous or undifferentiated gender identity of students of psychology; identify the level (high, medium, low) gender identity of the individual, as the degree of assimilation of socially acceptable for men / women norms of behavior, which are presented in the form of a set of personal qualities.
The insufficiency of studying the problem of gender identity in students of psychology in modern conditions is pointed out.
According to empirical research, the vast majority of young men and women, under the influence of transformational processes in society, prefer to get rid of stereotypical views on the role and functions of men and women.
The degree of manifestation of individual traits and behavioral characteristics that are traditionally associated with male and / or female poles of gender role identification was determined.
In general, the study found that the combination of masculine and feminine traits, their combination, in a holistic system of gender identity, is a more harmonious standard that allows individuals to be more adapted to life and society in general than rigid typification of gender roles.


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