


negative emotional experiences, psychotherapy treatment of negative emotional experiences, a technique of internalization and exteriorization of the focus of attention, cognitive behavioral therapy


The paper is devoted to the analysis of the peculiarities of the use of the psychotherapy technique of internalization and exteriorization of the focus of attention in the treatment of negative emotional experiences of adults. Negative emotional experiences are mental conditions of the individual that affect his self-esteem, assertiveness, and features of most mental processes. Negative emotional experiences, from which a person is not freed, can inhibit his personal development, form an inferiority complex, can be the cause of increased aggression or anxiety, can develop neurotic states. Psychotherapy treatment of negative emotional experiences is a difficult and unpleasant process for the client, which requires his conscious focus on overcoming such experiences, as well as high qualification and thorough professional skills of a psychotherapist. In this paper, as a psychotherapeutic intervention, a modified technique of "internalization and exteriorization of attention" is tested, which is based on the techniques of trauma-focused therapy, exposure-based techniques in cognitive behavioral therapy, and EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing). The proposed technique of internalization and exteriorization of the focus of attention in psychotherapy treatment of negative emotional experiences is based on an alternating focus on negative experience (internalization of attention) and the actual external environment (exteriorization of attention) at equal intervals. Important here is the rhythm of processing emotional experiences and conscious control over their course. According to the results of the paper, the introduction of the technique of internalization and exteriorization of the focus of attention has improved the emotional state of the individuals: increased self-confidence, decreased fear of the future and anxiety, improved a positive trend of mood swings. The studied technique is quite narrowly focused on the processing of negative emotional experiences, but it was found that in the process of psychotherapy treatment also has a positive effect on the overall emotional state of the individuals.


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