


emotional intelligence, development, ontogenesis, structural components, understanding the emotions, managing the emotions


Conceptual basis of the development of emotional intelligence in ontogenesis are grounded in the article, it is defined theoretical and methodological approaches, which allows to form a coherent consideration about the gist of emotional intelligence of the person in terms of: systemic approach (nature, structure, functions, psychological mechanisms of the development, forms and levels of the development in ontogenesis); subject-activity approach (through the characteristic of the main structural components of the activity – motivational, contextual, operational and effective; determination of the sensitive period – the most advantageous for the development of emotional intelligence; the analysis of the peculiarities of it’s manifestation in the subject of an activity); personally oriented approach (through the revelation of individual-psychological peculiarities of the development of emotional intelligence); competent approach (through the development and formation of the emotional competence of primary school pupils, primary school teachers, school psychologists, parents of the pupils).
It is defined that emotional intelligence is an integral feature of the individual, which reflects the cognitive ability of a person to understand the emotions and manage them through the cognitive processing of emotional information and provides psychological well-being of the individual and the success of social interaction. According to the levels of a mental reflection (sense-perceptual, cognitive, personal, subjective, spiritual) it is determined the forms (emotional intelligence as the feature: of the individual, of the subject of an activity, of the person, of the subject of life-creativity, of the subject of daily living activities), psychological mechanisms (identification, imitation, emotional infection, reflection, emotional decentralization, emotional self-regulation, anticipation, empathy) criteria and levels of the development of emotional intelligence in ontogenesis (psychophysiological, cognitive, socio-psychological, creatively-subjective, existential-spiritual). On the basis of the results of empirical research, it is carried out a comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the development of emotional intelligence in late preschool, primary school, and adolescence age. It is determined that the primary school age is a sensitive period of the development of emotional intelligence.


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