



memory, motor memory, motor act, motion parameters, development of memory, preschool children, primary school children


The article focuses on the psychological peculiarities of children’s motor memory development of preschool and primary school age. The research comes to light age dynamics of size, accuracy, and efficiency of children’s brief motor memory from senior preschool age till junior school age; gender perspective of these dynamics is found. Age reduction of mistakes, representation of recently recorded memory movements according to time, spatial and power parameters have been mentioned; the fact of heterochrony of brief motor memory progress on muscular efforts relating to representatives of both sexes. The importance of size, accuracy, and efficiency of children’s brief motor memory for the effective memorizing and reproduction of movements according to time, spatial, and power parameters; the interrelationships of motor memory parameters with movement reproduction rates are identified to have age and gender specificity. The article clarifies explanatory categories relating to memory conceptions, helping to discover psychological peculiarities mechanisms of motor studying and assimilation of motor and labor skills. The article also deals with psychological peculiarities of the way of moving structuring, which is memorized by senior preschoolers and primary school children under the influence of such factors as spatial analysis and synthetic (constructive practice), the level of attention concentration, learning ability, the level of arbitrary of child’s psychological activity. The age peculiarities of motor memory structure and its efficiency factors of senior preschool children and primary school children have been clarified. Reliability and credibility of scientific results and conclusions are proved by methodological and theoretical support of research emanating clauses, by the conformity of used methods and subject methodologies, aim and the task of research and also reliability and validity criteria, fragment representation, the connection of quality and quantity analysis, by using methods of mathematical-statistical processing of empirical data.


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