


communicative negotiation skills, professional-communicative competence, specialists in the social sphere, psychological characteristics, information-communicative component, expressive-perceptual component, interpersonal component


The article is devoted to the analysis of features of effective professional communication of the future specialist of the social sphere. Qualification of future social workers presupposes the formation of many competencies that a graduate of the Faculty of Linguistics and Social Communications must possess in order to be competitive in the labor market. Such competencies include: the ability of a consultant, consultant and expert, the ability to negotiate on various issues of clients of social work, social assistance, advocacy of the child. Competitiveness in the labor market also largely depends on the ability of the specialist to adapt to often changing conditions. The success of negotiations depends on the effectiveness of communicative behavior of the future social worker. Ability to conduct quality business communication in various (including problematic) situations of professional interaction, the ability to negotiate at various levels with representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, professionally persuade clients, interlocutors, establish emotional contact, listen carefully are necessary components of social services. However, the insufficient level of development of future social workers' communication skills, which are an important element in the system of their communicative competence, leads to an increase in the duration of adaptation of the future specialist in the professional environment and reduce the success of his work. As a result of the study, many subjects found a fairly high rate of aggression as the dominant strategy of psychological protection; tendency to predominant use of peace as a strategy of psychological protection, which, although positive strategies, but their use in some situations of professional activity may indicate a lack of ability of future social workers to defend their position, their excessive flexibility in communicating with clients. A large number of subjects with a low level of communicative control have been identified, which obviously reduces the effectiveness of their professional communication due to excessive straightforwardness and obsession.


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