


readiness for extreme conditions of life, vitality in the Antarctic, preparation for extreme activity, age groups of adulthood


The article is devoted to the study of winter camps' readiness of Ukrainian winterers to life at the Ukrainian Antarctic station “Academician Vernadsky”. Actuality of research of willingness of winterers to work in the severe terms of Antarctic is reasonable, as Ukraine is a country that has the constantly operating Antarctic station and conducts scientific supervisions during 25 years. Scientific developments of home and foreign researchers that engage in the problem of readiness to the vital functions in extreme terms are analysed. The concept of readiness is specified to the vital functions in extreme terms; the age-old limits of the investigated groups of the Ukrainian winterers are certain; the methodological tool of psychological research is presented. There are presented theoretical bases and practical results of researches of age peculiarities of psychological adaptation of Ukrainian winterers to life in Antarctic conditions on the example of 9 expeditions to Antarctica. Such aspects of readiness of personality are distinguished to activity in the conditions of Antarctic: physiology, personality, socialpsychological. The peculiarities of psychological preparation of winter camps for extreme conditions of life are considered. The complex of methods of psychological researches of peculiarities of readiness of personality of three age categories was used. So, the results of empirical studies on the readiness indicators of winterers of different age groups for previous wintering are presented. During the expedition the comparison of survey results are revealed the presence of changes in psychological characteristics. So, the most adapted age group for life in the Antarctic is middle-aged adults between the ages of 35 and 45. Representatives of this group make up about 40% of participants of the Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions, which testifies to the sufficient level of psychological stability of wintering teams. Such results allowed us to define new criteria for psychophysiological and psychological prognosis, and also confirmed the need to apply psychological training to Antarctic hibernators.


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