



emotional sphere, a sense of happiness, youth, adulthood, a crisis of society


The article discusses the relevance of the problem of the features of experiencing feelings of happiness in conditions of self-isolation, social distance, limited activities and quarantine activities related to COVID-19. Revealed the features of experiencing feelings of different modality, in particular a sense of happiness. Analyzed the factors and determinants of the impact on the emotional sphere of the personality. It is determined that social ties are the primary ones for experiencing feelings of happiness. These social contacts characterized by depth, quality and frequency. Described the features of a sense of happiness depending on its orientation: to the state of “here and now” and orientation to the future, as well as the affective, cognitive and eudemonistic components of happiness. A wide author’s questionnaire form developed, which contains a package of multidirectional methods: elements of projective methods (unfinished sentences), associative method, introspection and self-observation, psycho-diagnostic reflection). Applying these methods it been empirically established that a sense of happiness of youth and adults characterized by a hierarchy of states from more to less significant: the state of physical, psychological, spiritual well-being of loved ones, comfort, safety and tranquility, the state of happiness as a transcendental experience, the state of sensory orientation to the future. There are differences in the objective perception of happiness and its subjective experience: the health of loved ones combined with the desire to be in the circle of the family and the immediate environment. The feeling of happiness of the subjects as a whole determined by health, the presence of loved ones, self-realization, self-affirmation and achievement of goals. A statistically significant relationship was established between awareness of feelings of own happiness and the presence of stable relationships (family, family, marital, romantic, friendly) (0.323) between awareness of happiness and the frequency and level of social activities in which the subjects were included (0.221). It is described that happiness is the determinant and condition of the way to overcome negative experiences in modern crisis transformational social processes.


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