


value-semantic sphere, values, meanings, military sphere, military activity, meaning of life, Joint Forces Operation


In the present article, the substantiation of actuality and appropriability of research of the value-semantic sphere of military personal is provided. The main aim of the present study is the research on the impact of combat experience on the value-semantic sphere of military personal. The main modern psychology approaches to addressing the problem of the personality value-semantic sphere are analyzed, in particular, the changes of the value-semantic sphere as a result of professional duties in the field of military activity. The specificity of combat activity which is connected to life-threatening situations and risk-taking may lead to changes in life values. Therefore, the assumption was made of the destructive influence of the experience of participation in hostilities on the value-semantic sphere of the military. The results of conducted research of life orientations of military personal (the core component of the value-semantic sphere) are presented; comparative analyzes of life orientations of study participants with a different experience of being in the area of the Joint Forces Operation is conducted. The results of the study show no statistically significant differences among life orientations of groups of military personal with and without the combat experience in the Joint Forces Operation, yet they have some specifics. Among the military personal with combat experience, a significantly larger number of people are satisfied with their lives and are able to control it depending on certain circumstances. The negative influence of chronological (ontogenetic) age of the subjects, who have experience of being in Joint Forces Operation, on the quality and indicators of their meaningful life orientations was revealed. The life orientations of combatants are, in general, more differentiated in their significance and meaningfulness than those of weren’t in Joint Forces Operation military personnel. Significantly more respondents with combat experience, compared to those who do not have it, exhibit a polarity in the comprehension of life values: they think very deeply about their meaningful life orientations or lose meaning in them.


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