


emotional sphere, regulation of emotions, alexithymia, empathy, empathy, high school students


The article is devoted to the analysis of emotion regulation of high school students engaged in literary activity. The modern views on emotion regulation and ways and possibilities of effective emotional regulation are analyzed. Psychological difficulties that arise in schoolchildren with the regulation of their emotional state can be explained by such a psychological phenomenon as alexithymia, and the restraining factor for its development is empathy. Early youth is characterized as a favorable period for the development of empathy. The empathy development in early adolescence enables literary gifted students to express their highest empathy through literary creativity, and it is a resource for the regulation of emotions and for the prevention of alexithymia at this age. The article reveals the essence of such psychological concepts as: “emotional sphere”, “emotional regulation”, “alexithymia”, “empathy”, “empathetic behavior”. Diagnostic possibilities of methods of studying cognitive-emotional regulation, alexithymia, and empathy in early adolescence are analyzed. The results of the empirical study of the features of the development of high school students' empathy (its forms and levels of development) are described. It has been empirically established, that the level of empathy development in students who are involved in literary activities is higher than that level of average students. The predominant forms of empathic response in literary creative students are – “Real promotion not to the detriment of self” and “Altruism”, and in ordinary students – “Real promotion not to the detriment of self”, “Altruism”, “Indifference” and “Inner assistance”. Early youth (both literary and non-literary) have low levels of alexithymia, and they demonstrate a wide range of use of both adaptive and non-adaptive coping strategies for emotion regulation.
A greater number of empathic correlates of cognitive strategies of emotional regulation have been identified in literary-creative students compared to average students.


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