


creativity, creative potential, activation, development, students, fairy tales, training.


The article is devoted to the study of the creative potential of the student in the process of his professional preparation in the institution of higher education. Theoretical analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature was carried out, the educational activities with the students of the specialty of preschool education were analyzed, the systematic observation of the students’ creative potential during practical classes and in the process of conducting creative competitions, cultural mass and educational events was carried out.
Scientists have shown that creative potential is an integrating quality of a person, which characterizes the extent of his ability to set and solve new tasks in the sphere of his activity, which is of social importance. It has been found that the sphere of creative potential includes: makings, inclinations, interests (dominance of cognitive interests); inquisitiveness (tendency to seek solutions); speed in assimilation of new information; ability to create standards for further selection; expressions of general intelligence; emotional attitude to events, etc. The own definition of professional training of future specialists is given, namely: professional training is not only the acquisition of a certain qualification in the relevant area, but also a means of socialization of the modern student, its harmonization with the real reality, acquiring him basic knowledge in a certain field and qualities of professional culture, development his creative abilities.
The diagnostic study was based on three main components and criteria for them: cognitive component (awareness of one’s own creative abilities), speech component (verbal creativity); activity component (constructive activity, originality of the created image). Diagnostic results testify to the insufficient level of students’ creative potential, especially in terms of speech and activity components. In order to activate the creative potential of students – future educators of preschool education and practical psychologists, we have developed a psychological program that contains a system of practical classes and educational activities, among which the fairy tales are presented in more detail.


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