


shyness, personality, preschooler, self-esteem, social anxiety, autonomy.


The article presents a theoretical analysis of the problem of manifestation and development of shyness in young preschool children, experimentally analyzes the psychological determinants of personal shyness at the age of 3-4 years. Theoretical analysis of the study showed that shyness is a versatile quality of personality, which is usually associated with seclusion, uncertainty, timidity, shame. Very often the early manifestation of childhood shyness goes unnoticed and is identified with introversion, timidity, anxiety. Among the causes of child preschool shyness one can mention insufficient development of communicative knowledge and skills, copying the behavior of one of the family members, behavioral stiffness, constant anxiety, negative selfimage. The analysis of psychological sources revealed the following components of preschool personal shyness: emotional-evaluative, behavioral and communicative. These components actively develop during the psychophysiological maturation of the baby and exert a mutual influence on the formation of his self-esteem. Also during this age it is important the process of autonomy, when the child begins to take the first independent steps in the adult world, trying to demonstrate personal self. Harmonious emotional development of a younger preschooler becomes very important during which emotional self-esteem and attitude to peers and adults are formed, and a negative experience of interaction may form the basis of a child’s future distrustful behavior. It is also worth noting that a psychological feature of personal shyness at a young preschool age is a future projection of a negative evaluation of others and feelings of discomfort in the presence of strangers.


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