



co-dependency, personality, development, dependence, relationships, values, needs


The article is devoted to the actual problem of manifestation of co-dependent personality behavior in the present conditions. The problem of co-dependency analyzed by various specialists (psychiatrists, narcologists, psychologists, neurologists) is included in the list of serious medical and social aspects. This problem is becoming more and more urgent due to the increasing scale of dependence, including chemical, and other addictive behavior. The phenomenon of co-dependency has not been sufficiently studied in the world, including our country. It is rarely mentioned in manuals of clinical, age, family, pedagogical psychology. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem «co-dependency» as a subject of scientific research: the need to define «co-dependency» as a scientific category in social and psychological dimensions, the study of «co-dependency of personality» as a phenomenon of psychology; determination of characteristics of manifestation, criteria of co-dependency of personality, conditions and mechanisms of formation of co-dependent behavior; the need to develop a diagnostic complex that would allow us to investigate this phenomenon in various ways. The approaches to defining the concept of co-dependency in domestic and foreign literature are considered in the publication. The characteristic features of this phenomenon from the point of view of psychology and sociology are analyzed on the basis of the review of features of its interpretation in the works of scientists and practitioners. Today, neither medical nor social psychologists give a single definition of the concept of co-dependency, it is only described as a complex characterological phenomenon. The author proposes to consider co-dependency as an excessively pathological emotional dependence of the individual on significant relatives, due to a number of psycho-social factors, among which the most important are upbringing and relationships in the parent family.


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