


empathy, literary ability, educational development environment, literary studio


The article is devoted to the analysis of school work with literary gifted children. The development of students’ literary abilities is ensured both by the learning process itself and is possible outside of school hours. It is found that a variety of literary centers have a greater focus on the development of students’ creative potential in literary activity: school literature circles and electives, city and regional literary circles and studios. Their main tasks and methods of working with literary gifted children are analyzed. More attention is paid to the peculiarities of developing the empathy of high school students engaged in literary activity. The early adolescence is characterized as a favorable period for the development of empathy. The article describes the essence of such psychological categories as: «empathy», «empathetic», «literary ability», «educational development environment», «literary studio». Diagnostic possibilities of methods of studying empathy in early adolescence are analyzed. It is established that the effectiveness of literary activity is provided by a certain empathic background. In turn, each level of development of literary abilities has its own predominant forms of empathic response, which provide «efficiency» of this level. The results of the empirical study of the features of the development of high school students’ empathy are described (its forms and levels of development, manifestations of empathic response to various objects of empathy), who are participants in school literary studies and who prefer to develop their literary abilities independently. It is empirically established that the inclusion of students in the literary and creative team promotes the development of their literary abilities. The development of empathy in early adolescence enables literary gifted students to express their highest empathy through literary creativity.


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