


persons with disabilities, disability, society, defects, social exclusion, models of disability (medical, economic, social, human rights, model of functional disability)


Disability issues among socio-economic and socio-political problems of the modern world are relevant enough for all countries and peoples. That requires the attention of governments and different countries in the direction of search, development and implementation of adequate models of social system, optimally adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities, given the resource and other capabilities of the societies in which they exist. It should be noted that the attitude towards such people has changed significantly recently and disability is considered a social phenomenon. Finding ways to solve the problems of Ukrainian youth with disabilities requires exploring the current state of satisfaction with their special needs in education and employment. The article revealed the history of development and problem solving for people with disabilities. An analysis of the use of the term «disabled» in the scientific literature and its various formulations are presented. Attention is drawn to the fact that scientists from different industries continue to explore the diverse aspects of the problems of persons with disabilities and to create on their basis the development of methods and methodology for the work, education and socialization of such persons. The complex development of attitudes towards persons with disabilities is shown – from the direct refusal to engage them, from physical destruction, isolation of «inferior members» of the society to the awareness of the need for integration of persons with various physical defects, pathophysiological syndromes, psychosocial disorders in society, creating for them society without barriers. Regulatory documents on the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in Ukraine and international documents are analyzed, was followed how the understanding of disability, content and principles of socialization of persons with disabilities are transformed. Different approaches (specific models) to understanding disability as such are considered.


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