emotional dependence, adulthood, development, psychological functioning, quality of life, emotional stability.Abstract
The article examines in detail the psychological features of the tendency to emotional dependence in an adult individual. The main attention is focused on the key role of emotional dependence in the psychological functioning of adults, revealing its profound impact on various aspects of the quality of life of an individual. The key components are considered, such as: the feeling of one's own emotions, the use of self-regulation strategies, empathic manifestations and the level of self-esteem. Various factors that influence the development of emotional dependence in adulthood, including interpersonal interaction, family upbringing and individual characteristics of an adult personality are studied. The problem of emotional dependence acquires particular importance in adulthood, when an individual usually has to achieve a certain level of emotional autonomy and independence. The lack of emotional independence can lead to the emergence of codependent relationships, which makes it difficult to develop healthy and mature interpersonal relationships. In the study of this problem, the issues of identifying psychological factors that contribute to the tendency to emotional dependence in adulthood play an important role. The study of these aspects is relevant for psychological science, as it allows for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of development of dependent relationships, as well as the development of effective psychological strategies for overcoming them. In a general sense, this study not only enriches the understanding of emotional dependence in adulthood, but also emphasizes its key role in shaping individual well-being and social dynamics. The way forward to further research and application of this knowledge is to work on creating methods of psychocorrection that will contribute to the development of ways to reduce the level of emotional dependence, contributing to greater emotional stability. The conclusions of the article can be useful for researchers, practicing psychologists and everyone who is interested in the issues of psychology and emotional dependence.
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