


vitality, personality, personality development, conditions for the development of vitality, war, adolescence.


The article is focused on the study of the conditions for the development of adolescent personality resilience, which contribute to the strengthening of mental stability, both in everyday life and difficult life situations. The emphasis is placed on the problems of this topic for adolescents. Based on the study of the theories and views of modern Ukrainian scientists, as well as foreign researchers, the conditions for the development of personality resilience are determined and substantiated based on the current circumstances during the period of active hostilities throughout the territory of Ukraine. The conditions for the formation of the stability of an individual’s character are considered. Adolescence as a sensitive period for the formation of personality resilience is analyzed. The concept of resilience has been clarified, since the latter is the basic lever of personal potential in certain life circumstances. At the same time, the concept of “personality” and the peculiarities of its formation are investigated. The psychological content of the internal and external conditions for the development and formation of adolescent personality is revealed. The similarity of the regularities of the justifications of Ukrainian and foreign scientists today on the subject of the internal psychological stability of the adolescent personality to the modern conditions of life, which form and lay the conditions for the development of adolescent for the future, is found. The psychological content of this problem is analyzed and the characteristic features of the phenomenon under study are determined. The research of modern American and British scientists on the conditions for the development of sustainability as external factors influencing the personality is considered. On the basis of the material studied, the author has formed her own opinion about the conditions in which the resilience of an adolescent's personality is formed as resistance to life’s trials, taking into account the current difficult life situations in Ukraine. The author offers a comprehensive vision of the conditions for the development of the vitality of the individual in its modern understanding, taking into account the military events throughout the territory of Ukraine.


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