


situation, life situation, difficult life situation, hardiness, resilience, war, situation, adolescence.


The article is focused on the study of the problem of difficult life situations and its characteristic features. Looking at the current situation of martial law in Ukraine, it is extremely important to gain an understanding of difficult life situations for further work on improving the vitality of an individual. Based on the analysis of the theories of foreign and domestic scholars, the definition of a difficult life situation has been highlighted and substantiated in accordance with the changing circumstances in view of the beginning of full-scale hostilities throughout the territory of Ukraine. The system of similarity of regularities of justifications in the theories of contemporary scholars is determined, the scientific works of predecessors on the subject of difficult life situations in various directions of the individual’s life are under consideration. The psychological content of this problem is revealed and the characteristic features of difficult life situations are defined. It is assumed that the modern definition of a difficult life situation in its current understanding will give an impetus to the disclosure of the internal resources of a person's vitality. The author’s understanding of the definition of the concept of a difficult life situation is presented precisely in the field of psychological sciences, as a set of psychological and social factors for overcoming difficult life situations. The author emphasises the factors that can significantly worsen or, on the contrary, change a difficult life situation for the better. Examples of difficult life situations that exist in the paradigm of psychological science are given. It has been proven that a difficult life situation is the leading mechanism of psychological transformation of a person, which is able to transform the living space and ensure further qualitative development of the personality. It is noted that difficult life situations are a difficult life process that must be studied according to age groups, gender, and psychological processes that occur in a person’s mind. It is emphasized that the study of difficult life situations takes place in a wide range of issues, such as social, economic, communication, age, medical, family, custom and others. Throughout life, a person faces many different life situations, problems and challenges of fate. In such situations, a person is not able to make the right decision on their own, and this causes social maladjustment of the individual in society. Conclusions. The author offers a comprehensive vision of the concept of a difficult life situation in its modern understanding, taking into account the war events in Ukraine.


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