



life self-determination, values, value orientations, life and professional path.


Objective. The article is focused on a comparative analysis of the assessment results of the characteristics of the life and professional path of higher education graduates obtained in 2000 and 2020. Research methods: theoretical (analysis and  synthesis of psychological research results); empirical (methodology “Assessment of life and professional path”); mathematical statistics (data processing in the Excel 2016 system). Results. It has been determined that the life and professional path in 20 years is assessed as more interesting and exciting. In terms of the complexity and difficulty in the future, the 2020 respondents expect deterioration in future life. The comparative analysis of the respondents’ assessments of productivity and creativity did not reveal any significant differences. There is a tendency for the assessment to increase from the past to the future. In terms of meaningfulness and purposefulness of the life and professional path, there is also a general trend towards an increase in the assessment. Those surveyed in 2020 consider their lives to be more meaningful and purposeful in the future. According to the morality and integrity of the life and professional path, there is an increase in the assessment in the future. In early adolescence, the present life is perceived as more free. Higher education students see their life and professional path as more eventful compared to the past and future. The temporal determinant over the years did not affect the growth of the eventfulness score. Conclusions. It has been established that the life and professional path (in the evaluative aspect) appears in the youth’s minds as gradual, from the past to the future, the growth of curiosity, meaningfulness, creativity, productivity, arbitrariness (depending on oneself) – the past life path is perceived as the least free, and the future as the most free. In 2000, there is an expectation of improvement in future life, and in 2020, there was an expectation of a deteriorating one.


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